I usally folded up a $50 bill and gave the green handshake.
I also had numerous parts on the circuit assembly.
Sour Grapes
this really happened?
cos really take the money and don't say, "put it in the contribution box?
" did you put it in there hand or in a card that they opened later?.
I usally folded up a $50 bill and gave the green handshake.
I also had numerous parts on the circuit assembly.
Sour Grapes
jw's make armegeddon sound so sterile with statements like:.
"when god brings an end to this old system.
" "when jehovah.
You are so right about the "us versus them." JW's also do not have a very deep thought
process mechanism since all of their thinking is done for them, from what to wear and
what to eat, to what is permisable in the bedroom with husbands and wifes.
They think that God is going to wack 99.9% of the earths population and then at
last Paradise. One little problem, what is going to happen to all of the dead bodies?
Not counting JW children, each JW adult will get to bury about 2,000 dead people.
And then we have the problem of cleaning up all of the destruction that is so
well illustrated in the Watchtower mags without electricty. What happens when
we get tired of siphoning gas out of the gas stations storage tanks and we run
out of fuel. Get the picks and shovels out and go at it. I can hardly wait.
Sour Grapes
jw's make armegeddon sound so sterile with statements like:.
"when god brings an end to this old system.
" "when jehovah.
I like your thought process. God can read ones heart condition to see who
will get wacked at the GT but can't see which memebers are having sex
with minors in the congregation.
This is why I am just Sour Grapes
jw's make armegeddon sound so sterile with statements like:.
"when god brings an end to this old system.
" "when jehovah.
JW's make Armegeddon sound so sterile with statements like:
"When God brings an end to this old system." "When Jehovah
intervenes in mankinds affairs." "At the conclusion of this system
of things.", etc, etc, etc.
Why not just say: When Jehovah slaughters every man, women, and
child who is not a Jehovah Witness. When God destroys 99.9% of
the worlds population. When God kills everyone who does not believe
in Watchtower doctrine even though they babies, children, or have
never even talked to a Jehovah's Witness.
Why don't they just tell the truth?
Sour Grapes
could it be that the proximity of 2014 is at the heart of it?.
i have no contact with jw's - except on this board - but my wife does at times with her family.
imminent is the cry of the sky for the jw's it seems.. i recall the years leading up to 1975 with a lot of that sort of thing.
We are in the last seconds of the last minutes of the last hours of the last days of the last
weeks of the last months.
Sour Grapes
i have no idea what i want to convey in words here on this site, and have surprised myself by even joining at all.
i intended just to read, and get a few pieces of information, and now am a member, and spend many hours looking through posts old and new alike.
i am a current jw, born into it, and lets just say i'm in my thirties, female, and a mom of more than your average kids.
Welome Heart. It helps to talk about your pain. You are among friends here.
We will not pull you into the back room and ask the personal questions that
elders like to ask. I was an elder at one time and am ashamed of the pain that
I have caused others.
Sour Grapes
over 100 years into the reign of christ and six more years of damage from the internet.
what do you envision?.
I don't think that anything will change. How many stayed after being promised that
1975 will be the end? That was 34 years ago. My mom believed the end was coming
in the early 1960's and now she says "just think how much closer we are now than
As long as there are people who need structure in their lifes, people who can't make
a decision, people who like being told what to do, people who have disablities that
will be gone in Paradise, people who lost loved ones and want to see them again on
earth, people who have family members who are JW's, there will remain the JW religion.
Sour Grapes
i know this has been re-hashed many times here.
in great detail with quotes from former watchtower articles, etc.
i'm going to cut to the chase and just make this brief and direct.
Thanks Flipper. I was promised that I would not finish high school.
Well guess what? I did finish hight school. My children finished high
school and now I have two grandchildren in high school. But just
think how much closer we are NOW to the end then when these
promises (lies) we made to us poor suckers.
Sour Grapes
at the meeting sunday the brother giving one of the prayers said.
"that we than you for your organization because people who are outside.
of the congregation are corrupt and wicked.".
At the meeting Sunday the Brother giving one of the prayers said
"that we than You for your organization because people who are outside
of the congregation are corrupt and wicked."
At my employment I deal with hundreds of people who are not JW's
and I don't know of one who is corrupt or wicked. Most of them are
God fearing people who go out of their way to help people.
Sour Grapes
well - i today i had the opportunity to tell my wife i no longer believe in the things that i have spent my life immersed in and that i didn't want my life run by 9 geriatrics in brooklyn.. her reaction was understandable her first questions was "what have you been reading"?.
i didn't mention this site but told her i was shocked by something i heard regarding the wts's ngo status with the un, dissapointed by the new light on the generation and disturbed by the flip flopping on blood fractions.
i explained how these things were at best hypocritical and at worst have meant some people have lost their lives unnecessarily because of the societies previous position.
I have had similar dscussions with my wife and she just gets mad at me.
However she is slowing down in her activity and her conscience does not bother
her like it used to. Any one with common sense can see that the WTBTS's
teaching are not based upon the Bible.
Sour Grapes